I am a Registered Nurse, Mother, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual teacher and healer.
Everyone has their own belief system that fits in with their life and makes them who they are, and sometimes people aren't happy with some parts of themselves and we are here to assist those people to facilitate change in their life, that they choose.

In Nursing I have seen the need for therapies to complement the medical side of things. Medicine can't fix everything, but people can help themselves if they are aware of the options. Many people are unaware that emotions are connected to our physical body and can manifest into disease and disorders on a physical level.

I see people with depression, anxiety, anger issues, trauma, sexual abuse, low self esteem, stressed, confused on where they are in life, in pain with chronic issues or injuries, dying, dealing with childhood abuse, neglect or guilt or people who just want to relax and have a little down time to rejuvenate. Its a very broad spectrum!

When facilitating a session I use a multitude of techniques to achieve results. I use my medical knowledge, training and intuition along with different modalities and trainings I have attained over the years.
I feel and read peoples energies and can assist them by adjusting their energies to a more positive and relaxed one. Belief systems that are making life hectic can be identified quickly and easily and also removed.
I do not use one technique, I use everything that works for that person.
I conduct distant healings, which means I can do a healing on a person no matter where they are in the world. I need permission from the person receiving the healing to do this, as I energetically enter their energy field.

Messenger, Zoom and via telephone are other ways I do healings via distance. The results are amazing and come with a guarantee.
Some of my attributes are:

Registered Nurse
Medical Intuitive
Trauma Counsellor
Thetahealing® Teacher & Practitioner
Access Consciousness® Practitioner
Crystal Healing Therapist
Reiki Master
Children's Therapist
Pendulum Therapist
Wellbeing Counsellor
Psychic Medium
Men's Health Practitioner