This is a family business who has collaborated two businesses and loves into one. The transport industry is a major part of their life and so is well-being. Formerly, Harveys NQ Transport & Rehealing were run separately by this husband and wife team.
Rebecca (Bec) is a Registered Nurse , Thetahealing ® Practitioner and Instructor, Access Consciousness® Practitioner, Intuitive reader and Manager of Brands Road Transport & Industry Health.
Steve is also a Thetahealing® Practitioner, Boiler Maker by trade, Transport Operator and Allocator for the business, whilst doing what he does best, organizing loads and ensuring the trucks are up to the standard. Steve has been driving trucks all his life and has extensive experience in many aspects of the industry.

The business has been named to reflect what these two are about, Transport and Health .
Mental health is a huge issue, especially in Men. Lets face it, Men and Women are wired differently. Women like to talk their problems out with their girlfriends over coffee or on the phone, while Men generally get to a point they might mention they “have stuff going on”.

Bec and Steve believe that belief programming from within the subconscious contributes to life upheaval. The subconscious beliefs come from a way a person is raised, by whom, where they lived, how they were treated, relationship breakdowns, family genetics etc all these factors contribute to how someone is now. This is not in any way blaming the person, the parents anything, it just means that now, this person can have a Well-Being session and beliefs can be changed that cause behaviour that in the present time, is not warranted or needed. It can cause more harm then good.

Some of the many issues addressed are depression, anxiety, childhood trauma, work place conflict, toxic workplaces, post accident trauma, illnesses, aches and pains, relationship issues, isolated from children, domestic violence (No gender bias), high stress jobs, PTSD, financial stress and sports performance. This is not an extensive list of what is covered.

Bec has had many years experience in working on clients and has seen amazing results after one session. Bec was previously a volunteer counsellor for Transhelp Foundation, assisting Transport Operators across Australia via the internet. Post accident trauma is the worst, with some drivers not able to step back in a truck again and blaming themselves for something completely out of their own control. This trauma can be removed so quickly and the emotion attached to it is gone. Drivers, post accident, can be free from the lack of sleep, anxiety and flashbacks that haunt them. We offer a FREE service to truck drivers and accept donations towards this free service, to enable it to keep running.

Transport is an industry that is tough with long hours, being away from family, being at risk on the road, relationship conflict over roles and raising children and many other issues. We specialize in Mens Mental health, as we believe there is a lack of support and understanding for Mens Issues.
Man Therapy is a concept to allow men to be men and still feel connected to themselves and emotion without the shame or expectation that has been handed down from generations before them.

Well-Being sessions are available over messenger and can be done in 30min or 60 min blocks at a time convenient for the person. This is not a “you have to book an appointment in one week” after the last. One session may be all you need , some people might return after 6mths to have an adjustment as stress pops up, others 12 mths. It is totally gauged off how the person is feeling.
Many people have seen a psychiatrist for months, even years and not had these results. This is qualified assistance from within the industry, with someone who lives and breathes in it and understands what it creates. Some people are unaware there is an issue until they have it released and it is amazing!

Businesses will benefit from this service as it can transform employee dynamics, Management issues, business income and so much more. Toxic workplaces create an unhappy place, where there are huge sick leave absences, ongoing conflict and less productivity . This then creates conflict between managers and owners and back to the employees again.

This service is not only for the Transport Industry but for every Industry out there. Bec and Steve are putting this amazing service accessible to everyone from all works of life.
For business booking quotes or queries, please contact via email and that will be tended to ASAP.
A special offer to businesses: ONE free session per business for an Owner or Manager to sample what this is about and how it can benefit themselves and employees in business.